CrossFit Mad Hatter – CrossFit
Overhead Squat (5-3-3-2-1-1-1)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 rounds
0:30 sec Med-Ball Cleans 20/14
1:00 min 100′ Shuttle Run
*All movements and distances can be modified to fit an individuals ability
5 rounds
0:30 sec Med-Ball Cleans 20/14
1:00 min 100′ Shuttle Run
*All movements and distances can be modified to fit an individuals ability
Partner Workout
For Time:
400m Kb Suitcase carry (70/53)
120 Burpee Box Jumps (Alt. reps)
100 Partner Wallballs over bar (20/14)
80 Single Leg Toes to Bar
60 Chin-ups
*All weights and movements are adjustable to an individuals ability
200m Run w/ Med Ball 20/14
20 Kb Box step overs 53/35
10 Alt. Kb Snatches 53/35
*All weights and movements are scale-able to an individuals abilities
3 rounds
Minute 1: Double-Unders
Minute 2: Rest
Minute 3: Ring Dips
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: Burpees
Minute 6: Rest
Score: Total Number of Reps Completed
*All movements may be adjustable to fit the individuals abilities
For time:
21 Thrusters 115/70
3 minute rest
15 Thrusters 115/70
2 minute rest
9 Thrusters 115/75
7 Minute AMRAP
9 Power Snatches 185/135/95
5 Bar Muscle-ups
2 x 200m Sprints
(Rest 1 minute/ set)
(Fastest time is the score)
*All distances, gymnastic and weighted movements are adjustable to the individuals ability.
10 Minute Amrap
30 Wallballs 20/14
20 Pullups
10 Power Cleans 155/95
Complete with a partner:
600m Deadlift walk 90/50
4 rounds
20 Alternage G2O/H2O 135/95
20 Hand release pushups
100m suicide sprint
15 Minute AMRAP
20′ Bear Crawl
4 Bench/ Box Jump overs
10 Alt. Pull-up/ Toes to Bar (20 reps total)
*All weight and movements are adjustable to any individuals ability
16min Emom
Even: 10 Push Press 135/95
Odd: 15 Box Jumps
*All weight and movements are adjustable to any individuals ability
8 minute amrap
100m run
25 Goblet Squats
20 Russian Twist
*All movements will be preformed while holding onto a Pumpkin
*All gymnastic movements and weights are adjustable to an individuals level of ability