CrossFit Mad Hatter – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Complete with a partner:
600m Deadlift walk 90/50
4 rounds
20 Alternage G2O/H2O 135/95
20 Hand release pushups
100m suicide sprint
Complete with a partner:
600m Deadlift walk 90/50
4 rounds
20 Alternage G2O/H2O 135/95
20 Hand release pushups
100m suicide sprint
15 Minute AMRAP
20′ Bear Crawl
4 Bench/ Box Jump overs
10 Alt. Pull-up/ Toes to Bar (20 reps total)
*All weight and movements are adjustable to any individuals ability
16min Emom
Even: 10 Push Press 135/95
Odd: 15 Box Jumps
*All weight and movements are adjustable to any individuals ability
3 rounds for time
50 Double Unders
Ring Pull-ups
*All conditioning and gymnastic movements may be adjusted to an individuals abilities
For Time:
Partition in any order you wish but complete the following:
100 Wallballs 20/14
80 Cal. Airdyne
60 Burpees
40 Toes-to-Bar
20 Squat Cleans 185/125
Name of the game is strategy!
Overhead Squat 135/95
Double Kb Russian Swing
*All weights and movements can be adjusted to an individuals ability.